Thursday, December 15, 2011

The Receiving Project

'Tis the season for Giving/Receiving gifts.  If you have been following my blog for any amount of time, you will know that I am not a huge fan of this process as traditionally it has been associated with a tremendous amount of excess/consumerism/greed/waste, etc.  So when I found out about The Receiving Project from a friend, I was super excited to get involved and spread the word.  Here is what this project is all about (excerpts taken from the e-mail that I received from my friend):

The gist of The Receiving Project is that you declare your intention to receive a gift from the universe everyday for 32 days. This can come in any and every form. If you feel like it's a gift that you were able to receive then it counts.

To set your intention, it may be helpful to say it out loud, say it to yourself, read it or write it. I find it helpful to do this everyday. But that is not necessary. There is no right or wrong way to do this project. The intention that I set is, "It is my intention to receive gifts of loving from The Universe."

Throughout the days, be aware of what gifts show up in your life. These can come in all shapes and sizes! Allow yourself to be surprised, as setting the intention to receive presents is a powerful beacon of attraction! This isn't necessarily about receiving something specific. Just be open to the goodness in The Universe and see what shows up.

Click here to find out more about The Receiving Project or check out their page on Facebook.

I am already on Day 7 of the Project and will be posting my first entry shortly.

Here is to receiving gifts that are meaningful and authentic.

Feel the BLISS!


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